Live reporting by
Amanda Absher
Deputy Chief Mark Bliss said the police department would publicly release video from the Sherman Lee Butler shooting on Dec. 20. At the end of the meeting, the board went in and out of closed sessions to discuss and decide on various administrative leave requests.
Amanda Absher
Hi, I’ll be live-tweeting today's Board of Police Commissioners meeting for #DETdocumenters @DetDocumenters media partners: @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @Michigan_Public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit
01:09 PM Dec 19, 2024 CST
The meeting starts at 3 pm. See a basic agenda and find the link to stream with me here:……
Today's topics: DPD HR Report (Nov) and Community Impact Report.
No quorum established yet. Sounds like the meeting will get started a little late. Starting with the invocation.
Moving to secretary report as they await a quorum. Report will include incoming communications. Roll call: Woods, Banks, Bell, Moore, Presley, and Dewaelsche present. Agenda and Dec 12 minutes approved. Intro of BOPC staff.
BOPC report and oath of BOPC investigators who have been present for the last 6+ months. Commissioners Bernard and Hernandez present. Oath administered and new investigators sworn in.
Chief of Police Report: No disabled officers from on-duty injuries. Crime data: Down 17% homicides, down 24% non-fatal shootings, 13% down robberies, down 7% violent crime, carjacking down 14%. Touches on number of calls and mental health calls. 77 OD calls last 7 days.
Significant incidents: non-fatal double shooting (12/15/24) on 18000 block of W 8 Mile. Both victims in critical condition. Suspect drove away (vehicle unknown). 8th precinct investigating. Still under investigation.
Fatal shooting (12/16) 15000 block of Patton. Medics transported victim who died. It appears victim was shot through the window. 2nd precinct investugating.
Fatal shooting (12/16). Fenkell. 10th precinct investigated missing person and found victim deceased. Homicide has two suspects in custody.
Self-inflicted gunshot, 4 yo. male. (12/17) 18000 block of Russell. Victim found his father's handgun while victim was sleeping. Suspect arrested. Victim had injury to hand and was transported to hospital.
Follow up to Mr. Thompson article re traffic stop. Looked at vehicle location devices and found two vehicles. Looked at cameras and found no documented contact with Mr. Thompson. They had other units in the area and are still investigating.
Tomorrow (12/20) video will be released (bailiff shooting?). Moved quickly. Provides info about community events: Christmas present distribution, lock-in, retirement parties.
Motion to put Sherman Lee Butler video on BOPC website by Banks. Supported by Moore. Motion carried. Woods says the video will be "everywhere" (Facebook, DPD website, etc.) Moving to oral communications.
First speaker: 2nd precinct is frustrated because there have been too many commanders. Grateful for sergeant and community police officers. Commander was moved before ever getting to know community. Says more officers and inspectors are needed.
Second speaker: Was raped last year. Man drugged and raped her when she was unconscious. Says they are acting like it never occurred. Also calls out officers who cannot control their temper, threatening to tie people up, punching walls.
Third speaker: pleased to hear that Sherman Butler will be released "but this is what we were told previously." Says report says 4 officers were there, however she is compared when looking at Worthy's statement. Doesn't understand why baliff was there if 4 officers were present.
She hopes the video is "from the beginning to the very end", not "choppy."
Fourth speaker: discusses a shooting by name. Interrupted by commissioners. Want to know if that's allowed. Says rules only cover accusations against commissioners. Want to know if it's an "appropriate" topic. They say bylaws do not restrict it.
Chair is upset "you can accuse someone by murder by name." Says OMA has restrictions, but do not apply here. Everyone confirming it is allowed. Chair is pushing back. Commissioner says that public comment should be directed to board, not public.
Chair makes a motion not to name someone specifically "that we have no evidence of." The issue is whether the commenter can continue speaking, and under what circumstances. Chair "strongly be very very careful with your words."
Commenter again says the name. Chair is interrupting. Commenter and commissioners speaking over each other. They muted the commenter and did not let him finish.
Secretary's report. 3 reports to be filed. Announcements: next board meeting (also next community meeting) is 1/9/25 6:30 pm NW Activity Center.
References training info that will be made publicly available. Also references a confidential document re OCI pay increases, which were already approved. Motion made re details on confidential document. Some comment. Motion carried.
New business: personnel and training memorandum. Interviewed candidates for supervising investigator. They recommend acting supervising investigator. Roll call vote: all present in favor except Bernard.
Proposed adoption of BOPC OCI vehicle policy. Bernard proposes to pull item off agenda to ensure policy is consistent with citywide policy. No objection. Agenda amended to remove item.
Item C removed "due to officer resigning." Item B. Considering admin leave without pay but with medical benefits for a 9th precinct officer. Motion carried. 3 minute recess.