Live reporting by Colleen Cirocco
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The board honored top schools, scholars, and athletes. Student reps reported increased school spirit. The district hired 200+ academic interventionists with literacy lawsuit funds. And a state Treasury Department opinion could alter the district’s early debt repayment plan.

Colleen Cirocco @colleencirocco
Hey Detroit! I’ll be covering today’s Detroit Public Schools Community District Regular Board meeting at 5:30pm for #DETdocumenters @DetDocumenters Media partners: @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit

01:10 PM Dec 10, 2024 CST

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Tonight's agenda can be found at this link:……
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Tonight's meeting will be held virtually and in person at King High School Auditorium. For more information on joining in person and online visit this site:
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In the live stream right now, there are three board members already here
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At 5:31pm Superintendent Vitti, board president Angelique Peterson-Mayberry, and four board members are present.
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At 5:32 Peterson-Mayberry calls the meeting to order.
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The meeting begins with a moment of silence for two DPSCD staff members. Next up are the Color Guards from Renaissance High School, and the MLK Voice of King Ensemble performing the "Star Spangled Banner" and "Lift Every Voice and Sing."
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Two student Board ambassadors sitting on stage with the board tonight. Quorum=4 board members present, we do not have a quorum. Peterson-Mayberry moves into Chair remarks. She goes over attendance requirements for students (not for board members).
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Peterson-Mayberry gives reminders to parents about the consequences of students disturbing the learning environment - such as making threats online, pulling online pranks, bringing edibles, vapes, and small weapons to school, and other disruptive behavior.
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As the weather changes, reminder that there is support and resources from the district for homeless students and students in foster care - please reach out if know families in that situation.
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Peterson-Mayberry recognizes the student athletes from Cass Tech football team. This is the final board meeting for Sonya Mays and Misha Stallworth who joined the board in 2017. The board convenes on stage to present the board members with an award.
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Vice President Misha Stallworth thanks the board for the recognition - gives thanks to the community and the staff. 2017 was an interesting year, the first year after emergency management. She is still around to be a support resource and advocate for the district.
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They now have a quorum and can resume voting items on the agenda. Item 3 - Approval of the agenda Motion to approve carries.
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Item 4 - Approval of minutes Motion to tie bar and approve items 4.01-4.05 - approved
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Motion to accept the Chair's Remarks - approved.
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Item 7. Student Report They sent questions to the superintendent that students felt had not been answered. Many schools have reported an increase in school spirit events - ice cream socials, school dances. Celebrates State Champions from Cass Tech.
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No questions from the board for the Student Ambassadors. Sonya Mays arrived during the Student Ambassador's presentation and now Peterson-Mayberry presents her the award that they presented to Misha Stallworth. Mays gives a few remarks and expresses gratitude.
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Item 8 - Finance Report from CFO Jeremy Vidito
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Vidito quickly goes through the following slides and asks if there are any questions.……
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Item 9 - Superintendent's Report Dramatic increase in access and performance to Advanced Placement (AP) classes
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Vitti now recognizes how many high achieving students are qualified for the College Board National Recognition Programs
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Now the recognized students are coming up on stage, school by school, to take a photo.
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Here are 40 DPSCD students out of the 147 students recognized by the College Board National Recognition Program.
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Vitti thanks teachers, principles, staff, and families who supported these students. The students recognized had to take at least 2 AP exams by the end of 10th grade, this is a big accomplishment.
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Vitti honors the top 5 schools doing college or career classes from last year. 1. Davis Aerospace 2. Frederick Douglass Academy for Young Men - 100% of juniors and seniors were in a college or career class 3. Denby 4. Northwestern 5. Crockett Midtown
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Now he is honoring principals of the most improved schools for college and career classes 1. Denby 2. Davis Aerospace 3. Pershing 4. East English Village 5. Henry Ford High School
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Sherry Gay-Dagnogo wants to lift up everyone being recognized as well - but says there is a Tiktok going around with wrong information about the success of the schools. We all need to push back on inaccurate narratives.
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Now Vitti moves on to metrics - he says they are moving in the right direction. - Average daily attendance is about 85% - 51% of students would be chronically absent - trending 3% lower than where they were last year. - 53% of students are in college or career classes
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- 27 teacher vacancies, 8 are for special education - 5 assistant principal vacancies - 3 counselor vacancies. - Has hired over 200 academic interventionists with funding from the literacy lawsuit.
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Seeing a dip in the number of students eating breakfast and lunch. A lot of veteran cafeteria workers are retiring.
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Vitti now goes into a complicated topic of repaying the debt. He put together a presentation to try to break the topic down.
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Districts that can't generate enough revenue get covered by the state. Wealthier districts that generate more revenue get to keep it, that's why there's inequity.
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How does it work for DPSCD? If property taxes increase, voters need to vote again to approve the 18 Mills - which pays off DPSCD debt, does not run the district. Voters approved Prop S to approve 18 Mills. DPSCD is on pace to pay off operating debt ($617M) 2 years early.
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Vitti describes an issue with the Treasury Department's opinion. It could lead to a special election in May 2025 for the 18 Mill operating millage - it would be the only item on the election, would cost about $1mil to run the election.
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Without passing a millage, the taxpayer would be paying more over time in interest. Generally, they disagree with the Treasurer's opinion. DPSCD should not tax locally until all DPS debt is resolved. Once that debt is paid, DPS will dissolve as a district.
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Vitti cites precedence - Inkster paid their 18 mill operating debt, then they paid their capital debt.
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Now he discusses different options for the path forward. Option 2 is the path most likely, most practical according to Vitti. DPS remains to pay off legacy debt. 18 mils operating debt (almost paid off), 13 mils capital debt.
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DPS could be debt free by 2031, reduce the amount of money the Detroit home owner would pay in debt to emergency manager debt and DPS debt. There is movement, needs legislation to protect Detroit homeowners and DPSCD.
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Video cut out of the stream - saw a quick message about a battery being low - but still getting audio.
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Gay-Dagnogo suggests having follow up Zoom meetings, marketing message that can distill this information even more and what it means going forward.
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Mays asks the likelihood of this hitting the governor's desk by the end of the year. Gay-Dagnogo said anything is possible if the political will is there. However, there have been absences in the legislature. Unless there is commitment from the speaker or governor, unlikely.
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Gay-Dagnogo says that with that commitment, a lot could happen between tomorrow and Thursday - but needs buy-in.
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May notes that the district has come a long with as far as being able to have conversations happen quickly with the legislature.
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Mays mentions that there is a workbook that the DIA created that they could use as a resource.
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Motion to accept Dr. Vitti's report. Discussion from Mays - the success of the AP classes is a reflection of the performance of the district - the curriculum, teachers and educators - shows what's possible if they keep up the hard work.
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Back to the motion on the floor to accept Vitti's report. Motion carries.
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Item 10 - Public Comment Peterson-Mayberry takes a moment to thank the ASL interpreters.
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1. Disappointed by the board not knowing the history of the school system, not knowing what the debt is. They used to come up to Lansing all the time to get the school system back. The board didn't get into the details of how they got it back.
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1. cont - who picked the books from the warehouse? They are not age appropriate - sexual activity in books for third and fourth graders.
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2. Son is a 2nd grade student at Mason Elementary who was assaulted at school, suffered a mild concussion. After reporting, she was retaliated against. Principal is unfit. Her son's files were falsified, his actions misrepresented.
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3. Wants all of the material released in an investigation against him. Has only received 1 report. Claims there are false allegations. Items, evidence has been missing that he should have access to. Wants to return to his 3rd grade class.
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4. Pastor works with children with special needs through his church, in partnership with DPSCD. Hopes that more faith based partners would accept the challenge to support the children. Thinks there wasn't enough of a response to the children tonight to celebrate them.
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5. Doesn't think they should make it harder to comment at meetings - whether in person or virtual. Shouldn't impose additional requirements on in person commenting, including asking about the content of their speech.
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6. Representing an E. Outer Drive block club. Has a complaint about a school in their neighborhood - it was boarded up but people are using it to have rave parties. Police hasn't done anything. What are you going to do to board the school up better, with the building generally?
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7. 4th grade teacher at Thirkell Elementary. Current online public comment is a disaster. Notes that the YouTube experience viewing the meetings is not good - can't see anyone's names, anyone giving comments (agreed!)
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7. cont. Other school board live streams zoom in on speakers, on public commenters. Hopes they won't limit public comment but work to expand it to have an excessive experience virtually and online. Comments that the student to teacher ratio is too high.
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8. In support of Dr. Joseph's message (he's the next commenter)
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9. Dr. Joseph - thanks the board for passing the sanctuary district policy - prevents ICE access to district property without a criminal warrant. Asks if they will have the same level of commitment in the coming year with the new federal administration.
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10. 12 year anniversary with the district - was put on administrative leave for false allegations. Union rep is not with her, union backed her up, what was done to her was not right. Has medical issues. Her goal is to be a teacher. Someone took a photo of her with her head down.
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10. cont. - is at risk of termination, feels she wasn't given a chance, asks the board not to fire her.
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11. Retiree of the district - has a great niece and nephew in the district, thanks them for what they do and hope they continue for her family members.
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12. In support of the issue about the boarded up school - it has squatters. It is near Mason Elementary. They broke the plexiglass border. Police say it isn't in their jurisdiction. They are selling drugs have having sex parties in the abandoned school.
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13. DPSCD teacher - forwarded them documents to be considered during their deliberation.
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14. Congratulates students here tonight. Project 2025 has changes in store. DPS gets $200 in federal funds that may be affected. Didn't support Proposal S because of the issue - she knew someone would come behind it. How do these principals get hired? What are the standards?
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15. (starting with the online commenters - but now they are in person?) No schools on the Van Dyke corridor. There are children and employees of the district along Van Dyke. No bus shelters. This could affect attendance, students being on time. Let's work with DDOT.
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15. Don't take public comments personal, don't suppress us, especially in this political climate. Wasn't a fan of Proposal S - it seemed like a rush job, couldn't get answers about whether it would affect small businesses. You haven't gone after tax captures that have taken $$
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16. (now on to virtual, these are actually virtual) Disappointed that plans for Pershing and one other school don't include pools. Lack of swimming ability has generational impact - disproportionately affects African American community.
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17. Public comment is very important for a democratic board - table this conversation for the next board members. Public comment is the one way we hold the board accountable. Notices that board members walk away during public comment. Wants to hear from the new board members.
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Public comment has now ended - Dr. Vitti will respond. - Will review the incident at Mason, will update the board. - Request for investigative materials - reach out to legal council. - Vacant school, owned by DPSCD, has boarded up several times. Identified for demolition.
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- In January retreat, to revisit status of these buildings. - Some teachers have been hired to reduce class sizes - about 40 additional teachers. - Agrees with comments regarding pools. - Books provided by volunteers and parents, if they were inappropriate we will review
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- At January retreat will review threats of Project 2025 and Trump Administration, including sanctuary district status. - Peterson-Mayberry, we will continue to protect our students, whatever it takes.
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The board is now moving into a closed session (8:00pm)
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While we're in a closed session - just a quick sidenote. Today I watched the Cass Tech marching band and football team parade down Woodward Ave! Congrats to their team for winning the Division 1 state championship.
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Okay - it's 9:17pm, closed session has been going on over an hour - Vitti and a board member are back on stage chatting, still waiting for the board to come back and resume the meeting.
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There is a lot left to vote on - usually after closed session the board moves very quickly - here are the remaining items. I'll do my best to keep up with their votes.
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Item 12 - Personnel Actions Vitti asks for an employee T.S. to be removed from Terminations for cause - this is approved, and the motion passes. 12.01passes 12.01 with amendment passes 12.03 passes 12.04 passes
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Item 13 - Administrative Action Items Items 13.01-13.03 tie bar approved, items all approved
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14. Consent Agenda all items approved
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Item 15 - Policies 15.01 - The public comment item needs to go through community education sessions - it will not be voted on tonight. 15.02-15.05 - didn't hear a vote on this?
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Item 16 - Announcements Check out the website for upcoming events, happy holidays to everyone Last meeting for Sonya Mays and Misha Stallworth.
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If you find anything inaccurate in my tweets, please email with the subject “Correction Request.”
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Meeting adjourned at 9:29pm. This concludes the DPSCD Regular Board Meeting. The next meeting is TBA. For more meeting coverage, check out .