Live reporting by
Caelum Burns
Developers receive OK to build new building and upgrade parking lot at Darrow Road location of Taqeuria La Loma and La Fresa in Ellet
Hi all! Today, I will be documenting the 11/15 Akron City Planning Commission meeting for #AKRDocumenters and @SignalAkron.
07:58 AM Nov 15, 2024 CST
The Akron City Planning Commission consists of 5 citizens appointed by the mayor. The commission decides on conditional use requests, rezonings, allotments, street vacations, dedications, sale of City land, and Urban Renewal items. (1/2)
(2/2) They also review the Capital Investment Program every year. Link to website:……
The meeting began promptly at 9:00 AM. The Commission members include: Bronlynn Thurman: @_BronT_ Michael Freeman Renee Greene Ronald Owen Gary Wyatt Stephanie York
The first agenda item to construct a retail building was approved. The building will replace two popular Mexican restaurants, Taquiera la Loma and La Fresa Mexican.
Before approval, the Commission heard testimony from Dan, owner of Corky's in favor of the proposition.
The proposed ammendment to the zoning code was approved. The responsibility of enforcing this code will change from Superintendent of Building Inspection to the Director of Planning and Urban Development." (1/2)
It will also recognize "that the Chief Building Official of Summit County, Ohio reviews plans and issues certificates of occupancy." (2/2)
In regards to the third item on the agenda, a petition by Paul and Jeanne Thomarios to build a residence storing more than five vehicles, the architect, Mathew Wolf, spoke in favor. He explained that the purpose of this garage is to hold a collection of antique cars.
A resident, Dave Yost, living adjacent to the proposed residence, spoke in opposition. He mentioned that the collection includes 16 cars. He expressed concerns over the noise level. He also feels that this is an excessive amount of vehicles.
Gary Wyatt asked Knowles whether he knows that the ordinances are different in Hudson (where Knowles moved from) and Akron. Knowles affirmed, and included that this is his first planning commission meeting. He also expressed concern that this issue had taken six months (1/2)
The Comission asked if this a two-story home. The architect answered that it is a one and a half story building.
Another resident of the neighborhood, Norman Lindahl, spoke in opposition. He expressed concern that this residence would violate Ohio Revised Code 1517 due to a cave on the property. He pointed to the weight of the vehicles as cause for investigation. He also mentioned (1/3)
the Ohio Endangered Species Act, as he believes the noise will affect endangered bats living in the area. He returned to Code 1517, which applies to private and public property. He asserts his main issue is the environmental concerns. He also brings up whether this would be (2/3)
in violation of Ohio State Law, as the City of Akron owns the adjacent property. He encourages the Commission to conduct an investigation into the environmental concerns and table the proposition.
Commission member Renee Greene called to attention that the final decision would fall to the city council, no matter the Commission's decision.
Commission member Freeman asked if the garage doors are 40ft from the property line. The architect affirmed.
Commission member Owen asked the petitioner how many times a year he drives the car. He says 9, and one at a time. The architect spoke again to mention that they had done geological work, found no issues, and had a permit, though they had not looked into the bats specifically.
Thurman asked if the petitioners had spoken with the neighbors before hand. Wolf said they had not. Freeman then asked if there would be work taking place on the cars. The architect answered no.
The proposition was approved, with all members approving except for Thurman.
The next proposition involves Stan Hywet Hall and Garden, Inc. acquiring a historic home, which most recently was Word Harvest Church.
Jenny Heinfield, executive director of Stan Hywet Hall and Garden, Inc. spoke on behalf of the proposition. She mentioned that due to the conditions of their organization, they are not allowed to expand their current property. The organization is involved in (1/2)
community engagement and proposes building an Art and Cultural Resource Center. A resident living a block away from the old church, who also volunteers with the organization, stood up and spoke in favor.
Another resident, Jo Daniel, spoke in opposition. She clarified that she would be in favor of the proposition with a few edits, including moving the parking lot out of the neighborhood.
David Grey, living across the street from the property, spoke in opposition. He is concerned that if conditional use is approved, there will be changes to the historic property.
Heinfield answered the last two concerns. She mentioned an agreement with the church to not speak of the purchase until recently. She also says that they have no plans to change the building (other than "fix[ing] things," or build on the property.
Wyatt asked a question about the old Jehovah's Witness church across the railroad track from the property. He asked how long it had been there. Heinfield guessed the 70's. Freeman asked what is between the rear parking lot and the property. Heinfield answered (1/2)
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Thanks for tuning in! The next Akron City Planning Commission meeting will be held on December 13, 2024.