Live reporting by
Sarina Shane
Chicago Public Schools officials reported higher rates of diversity and preparedness among teachers, along with other positive stats on the start of the new school year, though public commenters shared that funding changes and staffing cuts have left their schools scrambling.
Hi, I’ll be live-tweeting today's CPS Board of Education meeting for #CHIdocumenters @CHIdocumenters
10:34 AM Aug 29, 2024 CDT

Today they are meeting at the CPS Colman Office, Auditorium. The office at Madison flooded and so they will be meeting here until it’s fixed. you can watch virally with me here:……

Board President John Xi welcome’s us back during this school year. Board members have visited 19 schools (6 hs + 13 elementary) across 14 networks to welcome students back.

We say goodbye to CPS Inspector General Will Fletcher who moved on as of August 23rd. The board thanks him for his service through 2020. “He served with honor and integrity” - John.

CPS welcomes 1100 new teachers this school year. the NTO this year also featured student voices on how to connect/develop relationships with students.

“It’s gratifying to see how many of our staff actually took advantage of the opportunity to keep learning. Because it should d how committed they are to doing the best work for the students and families we serve” - Bogdana Chkoumbova, Chief Education Officer

This year’s focus is on the student experience: rigorous, joyful, and equitable.

Pedro Martinaz, Chief Executive Officer, shares there are 600 more teachers in person than a year ago. That’s 2500 more than pre-pandemic. There are also 600 new support staff (counselors, CICAs, TAs).

58% of teachers identify as persons of color versus 38% in 2017. The Chicago Public Education Fund surveyed 24 principals about engagement and found 64% were happy compared to 54% in 2021. 58% were satisfied with PD (professional development) opportunities.

68% said they felt that had the resources they need to do they job effectively compared to 42% in 2023. “the direction we are going in is very encouraging” says Pedro Martinaz

On transportation: there are now more than 1k drivers. There are more students on route than before and ratios are still getting narrower, meaning they are closer to getting everyone on a route. The dispatch has also upped personnel.

the 5 Year Strategic Plan is nearly complete and should be published soon. Now we are on to committee updates.

Board Member Hughes shares the application progress for Student representatives is postponed until a later date in order to focus on the 22 person global district review board to be visiting.

Students, families, community members are still encouraged to join and participate in Special Education Advisory Committee Meetings. the next meeting is Wednesday 9/11 from 6-7:30p at Southside Occupational Academy High School. Check committee tab on website for updates.

you can also find office hours here: . The next agenda review committee meeting is Wednesday 9/18 at the Coleman office auditorium. Advance registration will open at 10a Monday 9/16, and will close at 10:30a on Tuesday 9/17.

The next board meeting is scheduled for Thursday 9/26 at Clemente Community Academy High School.

Public Comment from HS Social Studies Teacher + CTU President Stacy Davis Gates: 'Public education is an audacious group project...We can not capitulate... I’m confused on where the resistance is'

Public Comment from CTU Charter Division Julian: ‘Turnover is high because wages are low. Charter schools are putting money into reserves instead of classrooms'

Public Comment NPO Extracurricular provider (debate) from Eli K: ‘Budget cuts take away coach stipends from coaches at 100+ schools. Every dollar that CPS invests in approx. supercharged for $2 of private community investments.'

Public Comment NPO Extracurricular provider (debate) from Anthony Golden: “debate improves students abilities to perform in the classroom”

Public Comment from The Action Center on Race & the Economy (ACRE)’s ED Saqib Bhatti: ‘here to push you to take legal action on the banks that pushes CPS into predatory debt deals.’

Public Comment from Chicago Principals & Administrators Association’s president, Troy LaRaviere: '70% of principals do not feel that the CEO’s plan supports the safety needs or developmental needs of their students and staff. 68% say the Admin at CPS tie their hands w/mandates.'

***note -going to short hand public Comment to PC going forward in this thread. There are about another hour of them so I will do my best to capture the sentiment of each but may start to group.

PC from Staff at Inter-American Magnet School: ‘our principal has violated multiple policies and his contract' learn more about this school here -

PC from Jennifer at Inter-American Magnet School: ‘many teachers are fearful of retaliation. the atmosphere has deteriorated impacting staff and students'

PC from Marina and Greg at Inter-American Magnet School: “As a parent I'm deeply troubled by the detrimental impact of Mr. Zayas. His policies have systematically disabled the foundation built by the previous administration."

Even with a grant of 25k and 13k left over from last year’s budget, they started the school year missing class room essentials (notebooks, pencils). - Marina

students went from 5 specials a week to 4. class sizes have increased with minimal support added. - greg

PC involving community engagement from Naya de la Rosa: ‘urge you to release a a draft of the 5yr plan. Let’s make joining more accessible so we can include more diverse voices.'

PC involving community engagement: ‘CPS communicated in writing that the 5yr strategic plan would be in partnership w/ the community. I understand the survey sent out was meant to fulfill this. However as a parent, I’ve patiently waited for the community engagement to begin.'

PC involving community engagement: ‘this process has lacked authentic community engagement'

PC involving school infrastructure: ‘the 5yr place should be taking advantage of federal funding for a healthier school free of environmental toxins. [1/2]

Roseabella Hernandez continues, "We want safe and nurturing environments free of toxin and debilitating effects of questioning your own self worth due to a system's negligence." [2/2]

the next 2 Public Comments go on to further emphasize the importance of better air quality and it’s detrimental impacts in schools.

People want an ability to help co-create solutions with the district instead of the current structure that only allows them to complain.

3 additional public comments on transportation for wheelchair users highlight the impact of the transportation cuts in their areas combining with other systematic barriers.

PC staff from CHIARTs: “students won’t have a normal first week until next week. In less than 48 hrs teacher had to create master schedule for the school year."

Despite enrollment staying the same ChiArts has cut teacher positions, lowered foundation aid, while increasing foundation admin. There are 5 full-time admin and 9 foundation admin workers. This is a CPS funded school run by an arts foundation.

"CPS has a responsibility to hold disorganized and irresponsible charter operators responsible when they fail to support our school community"

PC from Alderman David Moore of the 17th ward on CEO Martinez: ‘I’m on the side of/advocating for black children. Progress can only be made when there is stability. Mr. Matinez has made himself accessible to me and my constituents, happy to provide examples.'

the last PC comes from Alderman Gilbert Villegas of the 36th ward on CEO Martinez: ‘we need to give more time.'

Votes: The meeting minutes from July 17th were approved to be posted on the website. The minutes from the July 24th closed meeting will remain confidential.