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Live reporting by Briana Madden
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A main goal of CHA in the coming year is to have a staffer answer the main phone line.

Bri Madden @bri_madden_
Hello Chicago! I’ll be live-tweeting today’s Chicago Housing Authority Board Meeting for #CHIdocumenters

08:24 AM May 21, 2024 CDT

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Today's agenda and an overview of the Committee are pictured here:
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The meeting is called to order at 8:55am.
The livestream can be accessed at
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There is a quorum present. The agenda is approved. Today's centering thought is "working together."
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CEO Tracey Scott gives a 2023 Impact Report, highlighting CHA's achievements from last year.
These included building over 1000 new units and renovating CHA owned and operated apartments.
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Last summer CHA employed 2.3k youth, and served 170k meals to senior adults.
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More than 100k people are housed through CHA's Housing Choice Vouchers program.
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The goals for CHA in 2024 are "simple but not easy." They include having a staff member to answer the main phone line, and a website redesign. The Restore Home program is on track to be completed by 2025.
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The public comment portion of the meeting begins, with each commenter being allotted 2 minutes.
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The first commenter, Thompson, raises a few concerns. They say more staff are needed at Lake Park Place and that the CHA pet policy needs revisiting.
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Williams is the next speaker, and they question the renovations at Altgeld property. "We haven't had anything done in that building since 2004," they said.
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Third to speak is a person named Heron, an Altgeld Garden resident, who asks, "What's the holdup on the $5k... for the grocery store...?"
They say it's been over 4 decades since the area had fresh produce available.
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CEO Scott asks the previous 2 speakers to talk with the COO on the issues they presented at Altgeld. They said they have been working with the city on getting a grocery store in the neighborhood. "We certainly welcome your ideas," said Scott.
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The fourth speaker, Jerry, complains that rent keeps rising but people's incomes can't keep up. COO Eric Garrett says CHA residents pay the highest of either 30% of their adjusted annual income, 10% of their income or the lowest rent for the unit.
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"None of our families should be impacted by rising market prices," says Garrett.
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A Commissioner and CHA resident says that what the Committee says and the reality in the CHA buildings are 2 different things: "Half the staff here knows what's going on... When my people hurt, I hurt."
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The fifth speaker, Guzman, has lived in Lathrop Homes for over 30 years. They say the conditions have deteriorated and the price of living has increased, almost in tears while speaking.
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Jackson, the sixth speaker, thanks the CHA for an award they received for classes taken through their programs.
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The seventh speaker is named Randall, and they cite a drug problem in their building. CEO Scott asks them to speak with their security representative, and says CHA has been working with CPD on this problem in many of the buildings.
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There is more dialogue between Randall and Scott, but Randall's side is not audible. Randall is a resident at Minnie Riperton.
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Francine Washington, the same Commissioner that spoke previously, says "That ain't the kind of help that we need."
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The eighth speaker is a resident at Spurlock. They say the building's HVAC system is dangerous.
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Sullivan, the ninth speaker, is a member of the Altgeld Gardens Association. They spoke about their work in the community, and ask for CHA support.
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Scott is the tenth speaker, and they object to the CHA's dictation of how senior adults are allowed to spend their money.
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A CHA representative says the vending machine money that is identified is considered federal money and has to follow certain rules.
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The final speaker, Harris, says there is a lack of opportunities with the general contractor pool program. They say the assignments are not distributed fully.
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The meeting moves into a closed session at 10:00am.