Criminal Justice

1900 W Jackson Blvd, Chicago, Illinois 60612 Chicago, IL 60612 (Directions)

Malcolm X College

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Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team

Note-taking by Cynthia Salgado

Pretextual traffic stops, CPD policy against involvement with criminal organizations, CPD superintendent search,

Live reporting by William Garcia

Police Superintendent nominations, Police Board appointments, Areanah Preston, SCORPION tactics

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Today’s 6:30pm meeting is being held both in-person at Truman College (1145 W Wilson Ave) and over Zoom. To register for the Zoom meeting, go to:

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The Zoom is active. Seems still waiting to start the meeting.

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Anthony Driver calls the meeting to order around 6:37pm. There are 5 commissioners present, establishing a quorum.

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The audio of the Zoom webinar is not very clear. The first speaker in the public comment period is up.

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There was only one participant in public comment, but I could not hear them well due to the meeting connection.

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Minutes from the last meeting are approved (March 30th).

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They tried a few different mics, but not much improvement.

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The commission moves on to the other agenda item: Vote to submit consent decree compliance items to the independent monitor.

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The CCPSA consent decree compliance items concern their role in the appointment of Police Board members and COPA Chief.

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CCPSA will finalize proposed policies in July. Until then, drafts will be published online, and public will be able to submit comment online and in person.

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More info on policies and the contact address for public comment:

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Next, updates on supt search. 3 candidates are being forwarded to the Mayor, who will have final say.

Community Input on Chicago’s Next Police Superintendent:

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Audio is choppy again, so cannot hear what Driver is saying.

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Yvette Loizon says to the other commissioners that after CCPSA is finished with focus on supt search, they must work to help address police allocation issues in the city. Loizon talks about Areanah Preston and the fact that it took officers 30 minutes to arrive.

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Commissioner Terry provides an update on their proposed policy to CPD regarding associations. Terry says CPD reviewed the proposals and made suggestions. The change proposals are being reviewed.

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After changes are made to proposed policy, it will be posted online for public comment.

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Next, updates on Police Board candidates. CCPSA sent a list of candidates to fill 3 open spots. 2 candidates were approved.

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CCPSA is actively seeking applications for the Police Board. Info on applying:

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Commissioner Nellis talks about the killing of Tyre Nichols by the Memphis SCORPION police unit. Nellis says SCORPION practices and policies do not belong in CPD.

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Nellis says he is open to hearing from others regarding their experiences with CPD.

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Loizon has been telling Nellis that CCPSA needs to clarify what is exactly meant when Nellis says “SCORPION-like” tactics.

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Loizon asked if they have evidence today of CPD using SCORPION tactics. Nellis says yes, but he didn’t want to reveal too much early into the investigation.

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Misc business: Driver says go to CCPSA website for district council info and meeting details. @CCPSA_Chicago for social media. Next meeting date is announced.

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Next meeting of CCPSA will be held on June 29th.

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The meeting adjourns at 7:52pm.

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This concludes my coverage for @CHIdocumenters. #CHIDocumenters

Please see for more information. Reply to this thread or DM me with any questions.

Agency Information

Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability

(312) 742-8888

See Documenters reporting

In July 2021, the Chicago City Council passed an ordinance creating a new model for police oversight, accountability, and public safety. The ordinance creates two types of bodies: a citywide Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability, with power to advance systemic reform, and District Councils, which will be elected in each police district and work to improve policing and public safety in the district. The Commission and District Councils will bring police officers and Chicago residents together to plan, prioritize, and build mutual trust; strengthen the police accountability system; give Chicagoans a meaningful new role in oversight; and explore and advance alternative effective approaches to public safety.

Additional context:

More from this agency

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6:30 p.m. CDT

Monthly Public Meeting - Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability (CCPSA)

Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability

Thursday, March 27, 2025

6:30 p.m. CDT