Return to Finance, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee: General Fund Budget Hearing, Day 3, Afternoon Session
Live reporting by Ayanna Rose Banks
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Public Works presents its 2024 budget

asrosedevelopes @asrosedevelopes
Hi, I'll be live-tweeting February 22nd’s Finance, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee: General Fund Budget Hearing, Day 3, Afternoon Session Meeting✨for #CLEdocumenters 📷@CLEdocumenters &

11:33 AM Feb 22, 2024 CST

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This meeting can be watched at…
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Regarding Public Works Division of Recreation, it was asked why there was such a big increase in spending and the answer was that they have new contracts to pay for such as the security contract they entered into last December
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it was asked when we will have full time security in our rec centers and the answer was they would get back to them after talking to the division
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It was asked how money would be spent if more money was given to the rec division, to understand how they are budgeting
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The answer was that they are budgeting based on the reality of their needs
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It was asked if Rec is a reasonable place to give funds that aren’t used by other departments
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It was said that capital is one of the rec departments biggest issues
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It was suggested that we limit the number of Rec centers so we can give more to the ones that are left
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In regards to the $15 pay of recreational staff, “You get what you pay for”
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It was said that the rec budget does not reflect the needs of the rec centers
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It was suggested to bring back after school programs
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In regards to the amount of rec centers there are, it was said, “ we have quantity but not quality”
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The rec department responded that they have a plan to fix this issue and are developing long term solutions
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They are cutting 13 positions from rec and moving them to pool
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It was noted that the armed security in these facilities have been seen wearing black full face masks
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It was said that they should make their programs easier to access
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It was pointed out that the budget has more money going to security than programs for rec
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It was noted that $16 million dollars will be cut from schools for after school programs
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Public Auditorium has 42 events on their calendar for 2024
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It was asked if the city of Cleveland pays to use the Public Auditorium?
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The answer was no.
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It was then asked why the city doesn’t pay like they do for other services
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The answer was that historically there is no reason. Sometimes city meetings are held there
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It was noted that the city may be taking time slots from other events that could be making the venue a profit
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In regards to the westside market, there was an issue in 2023 with attendance
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There were no comments or questions regarding Cleveland stadium
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There was a question of if there was an increase in revenue since they have started smart parking
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The answer was that there was a slight increase. They expect a bigger increase once they set up kiosks
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There was a transfer to Division of Parking for 1 million dollars that they did not need
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Division of Property department has 5 vacancies that are going to the pool
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Division of park maintenance is next
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There was a question about the budget and why it hasnt dropped when staffing has dropped
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The answer was that the staffing is based off of seasonal hiring
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There was a question about restructuring the division
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It was noted that there has been a case where someone had to wait 2 years for a tree to be cut
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It was questioned if they could get a more detail itemized budget of how they handle cutting vacant lots i.e. how much does the materials cost, the labor, etc.
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The answer was that it cant be as easily listed because the money is broken down by department and category
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It was asked that the council get a more itemized break down of funds
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It was suggested that they hire their own staff rather than rely on their contract w/ Snider Blake. They said that the Snider Blake employees are not very reliable
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It was asked when the Snider Blake contract is up
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The answer was that they didnt know and will find out
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There was many comments regarding a need to break down the parks division
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Next section is Cemetery
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There was a question of what they are selling
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The answer was that they sell cemetery plots.
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It was noted that if they were able to fill their vacancies, they would not need to hire from Snider Blake and less of the budget would be going to Snider Blake
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There was a question of what cemeteries are being maintained or not
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There was a personal story from Kevin Conwell about the conditions of his mother’s grave site
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Next section was Division of Waste Collection and Disposal
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There was a question of funds that were not asked for last year
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The answer is that the state mandates that they have to set money aside incase they have to shut down
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Division of Traffic Engineering is next
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It was asked if they anticipate an increase in budget w/ the new 311 system
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The answer was yes
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Next was Motor Vehicle Maintenance
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There were no questions
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Division of Street Construction, Maintenance and Repair is next
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There was a question on the increase in salt purchased
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The answer was that in 2022 we did not use all of our salt so last year we did not need to buy more. We used that all so this year we need to buy more
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It was noted that Randy Scott and his team have been a great help to the Council
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There was a question on guard rails and what happened
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There was a policy against them so now that the policy is changed, they can make another request
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The last Division is Boxing & Wrestling Commission
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Stephanie Hous-Jones emphasized that this is not a responsibility of the city. She asked if it was typical in other cities to have this division?
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The answer was that it is definitely not typical
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She asked that they look into if other cities have this division. Griffin added that they should also note what those cities commissions are doing in Boxing and Wrestling
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It was noted by long time member Polensek, that Cleveland used to be a hot bed for professional fighters in the early 1900s, and that’s why the commission was created
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The entire proposed 2024 spending budget from the city's General Fund is about $778.7 million
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The meeting was approximately 4hrs and 12 mins
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This was my first time inside of the Cleveland City Hall building 😂
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This meeting is to make appropriations and provide current expenses for the daily operation of all municipal departments of the City of Cleveland for the fiscal year from January to December, 2024
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You can find the Mayor’s estimate at…
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