DWIHN, Full Board
Detroit Wayne Integrated Health NetworkLocation unavailable
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Edited and summarized by the Detroit - MI Documenters Team
DWIHN expanding outreach to younger people through social media; has partnered with vendor to develop mobile app.

A message in the zoom chat says they will start in a moment. Meeting called to order at 1:05 PM, so that moment is now.

Quorum called. Housekeeping is approving agenda, past minutes and receive and file. Some changes in the agenda and a moment of silence, what for is not said.

Committee minutes from past minutes approved. Announcements. No network announcements. A board member comment brings up all the shooting threats that local schools have been receiving from disturbed students. It’s said that the students need to be involved in the conversation

A certificate of acknowledgement is given to Trent Sanford. He is a ten year vet of the DWIHN and is receiving the DWIHN Shining Star Achievement Award.

Sanford is at the meeting to receive his award. Pictures are taken. Unfinished business brings the passing of the DWIHN budget with no discussion.

New business brings a Wayne State Grant for “treatment Foster Care Oregon, ARC Detroit, a credentialing verification organization. All these new business items are passing with no discussion. There are ten of these items and they can be seen here. https://www.dwihn.org/board-Full-Nov2022-agenda.pdf

There is discussion about a land acquisition for a new behavioral health campus on 7 mile. The land will only cost a dollar but it will cost to make the land suitable for use.

Here is a rundown of the cost. DWIHN is paying 45 million dollars for the property. https://t.co/4Me8I0DVzR

Passes after a little discussion. The other new business items are all passing again with no discussion. They are running through new business. Here is a look at how one of the items is labeled. “ARCs – Detroit, Northwest Wayne and Western Wayne (Program Compliance)”

The contract for architectural and engineering services is 3.2 million. https://t.co/F2l5EadCyL

The idea of a building committee that meets every month for construction updates is brought up.

Facilities director Mike Maskie explained the contract. https://t.co/VEjGigOq42

It is explained that the building committee was dissolved and the executive committee took on those responsibilities. The concern is that the executive committee is getting bogged down. It’s moved to reinstate the building committee just for the 7 mile project and it passes.

Audio is cutting in a out a little bit. Jobs and the environmental impact of the project is brought up and it’s answered that this contract is just about arch and eng, not the overall concept of the project.

This contract must be approved before the building plans can be drawn up. Vote is up for the contract to pass and that, moving forward, any activities associated with this contract goes to the building committee.

A issue with the cost of the contract is straightened out and the vote is yes for the 3.2 for the arch and eng contract for the 7 mile project. CMHSP contract is next. No discussion and no telling what the CMHSP is but it passes.

So, only two business items discussed were for the 45 million dollar 7 mile project. Now the agenda goes back to the board committee reports. First is a update on a board vacancy. A person has been nominated for the position but the spelling gets away from this reporter.

CEO annual incentive compensation objectives are up next. Someone goes back and ask when the building committee will get back together? They meet about buildings all the time so they need the committee.

It’s brought up that it takes a long time to discuss the buildings in the full board meetings and it takes up the boards time, so move it to the building committee.

Board and committee meeting schedule comes up next. Here is the sked. https://t.co/wB4oHqht4g

A note about the Metro Region Meeting hosted by Macomb County on Jan. 26th, 2023. The treasure of DWIHN is now on the Community Mental Health Association of Michigan. Looks like Dora Brown is the treasurer and much kudos and applause for her as she thanks the board.

Announcements. Community Mental Health Association of Michigan (CMHAM)2023 Winter Conference,
Kalamazoo, Michigan (February 7 & 8 2023) National Council of Wellbeing NatCon23 – Los Angeles, CA (May 1st – 3rd 2023)

All December committee meetings for 2022 are cancelled including full board. Lots of laughs during this vote. Highlights from the finance report are a cost settlement with CAP for 3.8 million dollars and they will pay off the Milwaukee loan at 5 million.

A update from the Recipients Rights advisory committee included this update. https://t.co/LuqKOMbxjw

1634 allegations from 450 recipients and 540 employees. They investigated 1,288 and substained 364 complaints.

The substance use disorder oversight policy board report included nearly 4 million dollars in covid money.

In CEO Eric Doeh’s report, he chimed in on the election last week and how the Democrats now hold advantages in both chambers of the legislature.

He says DWIHN has done very well in Michigan regardless of who ran Lansing. He said you don’t bring in 60 million via Lansing and not have done well there.

He says they can finally go on the offense in Lansing with the shift in power. https://t.co/BmcBnbJqOG

He claims this is a employees market for jobs and hopes that money from Lansing can be put into health business to hire needed employees. He says that 700 thousand people will be affected by the end of the public health emergency. People who were getting covid services…

will lose them since they will not qualify for those services, even though they may still need them and they are looking for backups. He talks about grants or general fund dollars to close the gaps. A DWIHN phone app is discussed, and work on 3 health plans they will work with.

He gave positive updates on the building projects and opens the floor for questions. Doeh’s report is part of a power point but does not seem to be available to the public.

Moderator ask for the totals of grant dollars coming in “just cause she likes hearing the numbers!” 70 million all toll.

Westcomm media is giving a presentation. They are responsible for telling the general public about DWIHN services. https://t.co/xhHoRdnlNq

They have a power point and 20 media partners. Here is a partial list. https://t.co/xQiZAgbKdt

They are working with downriver media outlets since they realize that the downriver area needs that info.

They are in 9 different local movie theaters. Here is a list. https://t.co/dzOcp8fieh

A list of media programs and what DWIHN does is listed. There will be two apps. One for members and one for the general public, which will let you know where food banks and other community help providers.

DWIHN hosted 45 community events in 2021. They also have a youtube channel and create internet content. https://t.co/fdnyB457rU

Their goal is to focus on young people and a video on stigma is played, or they are trying to play the video. It does not get played. Here is a list of their youtube videos. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=DWIHN+channel

Gary Spondike of Westcomm gives a presentation on social media goals. https://t.co/XPuxWk6j87

Westcomm has increased DWIHN’s social media audience. https://t.co/DL4HWR4Kp0

DWIHN is on facebook, twitter, instagram, linkedin, youtube and tiktok. Here is a shot of those links. https://t.co/VEdVfH6Qtm

DWIHN social media objectives and strategies are listed here. https://t.co/m7M0WnmQpG

Content is made specific to each social media outlet. Tiktok is big for them now, and they want to intergrate all their social media channels.

A youth social media outreach campaign is outlined. https://t.co/xIE1VjHH2G

DWIHN is looking for social media influencers with many social media followers to engage with their content.

Big winner with them is Linkedin. Floor opened for questions. Here is a shot of Gary Spondek from Westcomm. https://t.co/PwuJ8i492n

Board member Kevin McNamara ask “How many people in Detroit know who DWIHN is?” Plan is to do a survey to find out. A action plan is in the works to get the message out to Detroiters about DWIHN.

The sound on the board members mikes is terrible. The idea of a slogan is brought up. All the noise from the mikes has been dialed out.

Just the acronym DWIHN won’t do it. People need to know what DWIHN is and what they do. The Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network has a identity problem and Westcomm is trying to fix that low profile.

Westcomm was brought in to find out what DWIHN means. The conversation was sparked by a Detroit police department fatal shooting of a person with a mental health issue. They want people to know to call DWIHN before the situation gets that bad. The Ghostbusters....

“who do you call” tag line is brought up. Direct mail is talked about to get the word and general awareness out about DWIHN and what they do.

It’s said that the target age to get the DWIHN message out is 11 years old, when hormones start kicking in and suicide due to sexual identity goes up. The CEO has been challenged to do a tiktok video.

What type of micro influencers are they looking for? People who share DWIHN’s message. They are looking for influencers who will stay on message.

Student athletes are looked at as influencers since some are taking mental health breaks, and tennis player Naomi Osaka is mentioned.

It’s said that the social media team meets every Thursday to check status of projects.

Next up is a health care provider presentation by Growth Works. Here is there mission statement. https://t.co/Wx2LvWqnsP

They have served kids and families in Wayne County for 51 years. Here is a list of there programs, including providing visitation services. https://t.co/76IIf6v5R5

They are looking to train 6500 hundred adults in schools about SUD treatment and suicide prevention treatment. They partner with local police departments to provide services.

Data gathering is used to improve services. A Ford Motor company model on data use is mentioned as a role model for Growth Works data gathering and use.

Drug use stats and program discharge rates are brought up. https://t.co/QJLobJH4Us

Much jargon about types of data gathering is mentioned. You would have to take a data course to understand all that info.

Once again mikes go in and out and the Cass Tech football game is brought up and the outcome is playfully argued about. McNamara says he tells people in western wayne county that DWIHN is just like Growth Works.

He says that the judges, police and Growth Works all work together. Now kids don’t have to wait 6 months to get in front of a judge with truant/substance problems.

McNamara says the judges need to get the kids hooked up with peer groups to fix their problems. they are now proud of how they get kids into the programs. No sound again.

Review of Action items should be up next, but the sound cuts back in as McNamara finishes up his comments.

4 action items. Reconvene the building committee, two meeting reminders and westcomm filing their action plan report. No public comments.

If you have any questions, comments or corrections for this thread please send a email to documenters@outliermedia.org.

Meeting adjourned at 3:02 p.m. This concludes the Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network Full Board meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for January 2023. No DWIHN meetings will be held in December. For more meeting coverage, check out http://documenters.org.
DWIHN expanding outreach to younger people through social media; has partnered with vendor to develop mobile apps.
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Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network
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“The Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network is compassionate and committed to the 75,000 children and adults it serves in Detroit and Wayne County. We understand the immense responsibility we have been given and we go above and beyond in supporting the people we serve and the hundreds of Providers in our System of Care. Our Provider Network supports and serves individuals with serious mental illness, children with serious emotional disturbance, people with autism, individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and those with substance use disorder. We are Here to Talk. Here to Help.”
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