Board of Police Commissioners

Detroit Board of Police Commissioners
Criminal Justice

Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024
3:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. EDT

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Edited and summarized by the Detroit - MI Documenters Team

Note-taking by Elyas Khan

Public comments ignited discussions on political surveillance, wrongful convictions, and demands for police accountability. Commissioner Linda Bernard raised questions about the implementation of mandatory de-escalation and mental health training for officers.

Live reporting by Meghan Rutigliano

Public comments ignited discussions on political surveillance, wrongful convictions, and demands for police accountability. Commissioner Linda Bernard raised questions about the implementation of mandatory de-escalation and mental health training for officers.

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The meeting is being hosted at the Detroit Public Safety Headquarters at 1301 Third Street Suite 767-The Skylar Herbert Room, Detroit, MI 48226.
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The public is invited to join in-person, by Zoom, or via phone. For phone and Zoom information, visit:……
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Additionally, the BOPC Meeting can be viewed at scroll down to select City TV Channel 21.
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IMPORTANT: If you believe anything in the coverage today is inaccurate, please email us at with "Correction Request" in the subject line.
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To view the full agenda, visit:……
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There will be time allotted for public comment. Time is limited to 2 minutes per person. To sign up in advance, visit:……
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They're starting with Public Comment. There must not be a quorum.
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Commenter is talking about police misconduct, surveillance, lawsuits, wants DPD to acknowledge their wrongdoing over the years.
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First amendment rights are not to be violated. He's addressing the commenter.
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Commenter requesting ADA accessible ramps be added/made accessible for BOPC meetings. He's also suggesting road rage PSAs and comms strategy.
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Same commenter wants to do messaging about how kids can report out about strangers, including taking photos of their license plates.
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Eric Blunt saying DPD uses surveillance tools on innocent residents.
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Meeting officially starting 3:13pm. Intro of BOPC. Roll Call: Woods, Smith, Bernard, Burton, Moore, Pressley QUORUM reached.
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Agenda approved and minutes from Sept 12th approved.
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BOPC Staff intros. Elected officials. Franklin Hayes Marie Overall Butler (2nd Precinct) Thomas (Officers Association) (I didn't catch all of them) Hernandez is present now.
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Resolution Resolution Honoring Sergeant Sherley Bledsoe. 47 years of service. 12th Precinct and district 2.
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Hayes (in for White) giving Police Report: high level stats, fatal shootings, etc.
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Hayes commenting on this week's article in Detroit Free Press article about woman suing DPD over the seizure of her vehicle. DPD has had "conversations with some of the commissioners about what we know. Commit to public to conduct internal affairs investigation"--Hayes
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Moore: Was the bailiff who shot Butler a former member of the police department? yes Bernard: Is he retired or just a former member? not sure
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They're talking about fees for towing to City of Detroit lots, residents being overcharged, not provided with waivers.
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BOPC calling for the DPD to be proactive regarding the communications about the towing fees.
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Bernard addressing Hayes: Wayne State is doing a de-escalation training. Shouldn't that training be mandatory? Why are officers being made to go to a national training?
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Hayes: It's voluntary. It's an important tool. This is a "bonus" training (at WSU).
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Bernard: What about mental health training? That should be a mandatory refresher every year.
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Officer Ha: Standby time is what's being discussed/reported on right now. During Standby, the officers are not supposed to be drinking, have to be in uniform.
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They're talking about the shooting this weekend past in Eastern Market. Burton requested mounted officers. Hayes: We will have an increased presence, reconfigure the campus area. Will have mounted police, make it a "fire arm free" campus.
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Q from Board: In cases where there's an allegation of misconduct but the individual is not part of the department, what happens next? A from Hayes: We certainly keep a record of repeated citizen complaints of misconduct against an individual. We're only as good as our info
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There's supposed to be an affidavit issued when an individual leaves under criminal charges, investigations, etc. Ha is saying that these details ARE included in the affidavit. Board: Are we updated on all affidavits? Ha: We are updated.
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They're going deep into ensuring that there's up to date information on police who are NOT leaving DPD on good terms. Police accountability bills are being discussed and George Floyd act.
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Public comment re-commencing.
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Woman bringing up a 1999 lawsuit brought against an officer who is currently receiving citizen complaints. Woman is investigating a case on her own. WE NEED TRANSPARENCY.
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73 yo resident of Detroit: She's been attacked and her safety is threatened by her neighbor. There's harassment happening. She feels there's not been appropriate levels of response to her complaints. Needs action.
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New female speaker: Says she spoke out at SW department, undercover officers reside in her shelter. Comes to BOPC meetings every week. Believes officers need to be investigated.
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New speaker female: Why do we need to bring guns to events? Sick and tired of seeing guns on the news. Lives in the 5th district. "We live in a good city and we gotta treat it that way."
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Male speaker: 1) Supports police accountability. 2) Personally had 2 incidents at 3rd precinct. Failure to report a crime, failure to de-escalate. Failure to offer grievance processes. 3) went to court hearings.
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Hayes responding about grievance processes and appropriate attention being given to victims of homicide.
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There will be a public conference on support that's being requested.
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Zoom public comment: Male speaker: If YOU have been a victim of police brutality and feel unheard? We are building a coalition to participate in the 2025 local Detroit election.
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Fmr. Comissioner Davis: The BOPC should be doing more public announcements, including that drag race spectators can be penalized. ALPCT Advocates and Leaders for Police <> Community Trust. We can do more together.
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Female speaker: Illegal transfer of Baptist church. Sex crime happening at same time of illegal transfer. No action taken. Calling for review of policies related to sex crimes. Should not matter if a person is connected to a family of prominence how they are dealt with.
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District 2 Lifelong resident: It's been illegal for 10 years for trucking companies to leave truck idling on their streets spewing out fumes. DPD has never issued a single citation. DPD has NOT enforced the law. Calling for stronger enforcement of pollution policies.
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Public comment is over. Now they are on Presentation to the Board. It's about recruiting, hiring, internship program, attrition, leaves of absence (FLMLA, medical leave, etc.), 23 suspensions, etc. Academy students (143 students), 37 will graduate tomorrow the 20th of Sept.
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Q: Where are the officers working who are suspended with pay? A: Needs to get the information from the disciplinary report. (Chairman requesting information be sent to BOPC).
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Q: Do we hired new police officers that have a criminal record? A: It is possible. We follow standards from EMPULS (??) Q: Is race considered when appointments made to executive levels? A: Can't answer. Will take it back to the team.
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Demographic questions: Q August 31 report: Where are MENA individuals quantified? A: Classifications pulled from a report. Q: How are demographics captured? Census reports? Where is the Middle Eastern population quantified? Is there an option to self-identify? A: I will ask
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Bernard: Report only reflects minorities and white people. Hernandez says he wants to push for MENA stats to be captured and that folks can be able to self-identify.
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There's a conversation ensuing about reporting out at the federal level on statistics. HR Head will bring requests forward and information obtained back to the board.
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They're now on Report from Board Secretary Lydia Garnier / Communications (Submitted to BOPC as incoming information). She's announcing next meetings.
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Meeting adjourned at 4:52pm.
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The next meeting will be held on Thursday, September 26, 2024 @ 3:00 p.m. Thursday, October 10, 2024 @ 6:30 p.m. Detroit Public Safety Headquarters 3rd Precinct @ Goodwill Industries Career Center 1301 Third St, Detroit, MI, 48226
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This concludes my coverage of the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners (BOPC) meeting today. For more information, visit the BOPC site here:……
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For more meeting coverage check out .
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Agency Information

Detroit Board of Police Commissioners

The Board of Police Commissioners has supervisory control and oversight of the Police Department, including plenary authority over citizen complaints and the power to appoint fact finders, subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, take testimony, and require the production of evidence. The Board also appoints a civilian as Director of Police Personnel and approves all promotions made by the Chief. The 11 member board is comprised of 7 elected members from each city council district and 4 members appointed by the Mayor.

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